NYTimes has this article about global network for bomb making, saying the origin manual coming from bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan back to 1990's. Tedac are in charge of this investigaion after Bush's nod on it from last Dec. Another example for the wrong direction. I mean, even I can guess that most of the advanced bomb making methods are from Afghanistan, which is such a sensitive and notorious region back to cold war and nearly all the bad ass coming out from there. But, only blaming bin Laden is nonsense, since the seed of the hatred is far back from then, and that dirty history would only point the finger back to these big countries. Too indulged america! Thus history only copies itself again and again. BTW, this article is kinda dumb too.
Recalling Fred Lamb's talk on ballistic missiles last year. Physicists' talent is just wasted on this kinda political shit, and even more sadness comes from that there must be some smart people to convince the public something is not deserved to try, not for it is not RIGHT, but for it is scientific impossible.
Some fun stuff: Brian talked about the famous alpha-beta-gama(Alpher, Bette, Gamow) paper in the field. Bette must be not so happy that Gamow add his name to the paper just for the hilarious symmetry about the authors! =)
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